Defynance News

Blog categorized as Defynance News

One point seven trillion dollars, or one-thousand seven hundred billion dollars. That's what student loan debt in the United States currently sits at. This debt is recognized as a huge burden that has prevented many people from achieving what they want to achieve.  People have had to put off...

16.08.21 09:18 PM - Comment(s)
We just finished TechStars Boulder, now what?
Our team crawled to the finish line after three months of intense ​TechStars​ programming, but we made it and couldn't be happier. After thirteen weeks of blood, sweat, and tears, we ended the program by showing off what we've accomplished through Demo Day, where we exhibited Defynanc...
26.04.21 06:40 PM - Comment(s)
We Were Nominated as a Top Fintech (Financial Technology) Company in Florida by Daily Finance

That's right! Recently Defynance was recognized as one of the top fintech companies in Florida by Daily Finance! We're thankful to have been recognized for our hard work to tackle the student debt crisis through out income share agreement refinancing program. And we don't plan on stopping anyt...

08.02.21 09:58 PM - Comment(s)
Check out Defynance's Founder and CEO Farrukh Siddiqui on the Georgia Fintech Academy Podcast

Podcasts are one of the most exciting formats to arise from technology in the past few years. They allow you to listen in on conversations with experts and learn things that you couldn't otherwise. It also can give you a glimpse into the world of that person and show you how they think. And their p...

01.02.21 08:44 PM - Comment(s)
One Week Left to Invest in Defynance's Crowdfunding Campaign

Time really does fly. It seems like just yesterday that we opened up the doors to our crowdfunding campaign, allowing you to own your own share of Defynance for as little as $100. And if you didn't take advantage of that opportunity then, it's not too late. Our crowdfunding campaign is still alive ...

25.01.21 07:53 PM - Comment(s)
Why TechStars Boulder is a Perfect Fit for Defynance

For the past two and a half years, Defynance has been hard at work creating our student loan refinancing product using income share agreements (ISAs). And while we've been growing and are excited about our future, we decided that it was time to get a little help. Building a product is difficult and...

20.01.21 12:17 AM - Comment(s)
What is the Payment Cap in an Income Share Agreement?

You may have seen the term income share agreement, or ISA for short, pop up a lot more lately and be wondering what it even means. To make matters even more confusing, they also throw around more terms like payment cap and income share percentage. You may know that they're supposed to replaces loan...

21.12.20 08:52 PM - Comment(s)
How a Defynance self-equity account gives you cash for investing in yourself

Defynance​ is revolutionizing the way that you think about your student debt. With over ​$1.6 trillion​ spread across 45 million borrowers, student debt is the second largest source of debt in the United States. That's to say, student debt affects a lot of people and leaves many of them behind to f...

14.12.20 08:26 PM - Comment(s)
Restart: Helping your Customers Stay Employed

If you're a landlord or financer, one of your customers losing their job can be a huge headache. For tenants, evicting someone and trying to find a new renter can be expensive, especially with the costs of keeping a room empty. If you give someone a loan and they can't repay, it's also a large loss...

10.12.20 08:04 PM - Comment(s)
Our Crowdfunding Campaign is (Almost) Live!

That's right! Our long awaited crowdfunding campaign is almost here and you can finally invest in Defynance. Now is your chance to own a part of an exciting new startup tackling the student debt crisis. For as little as $100, you can own your own share of Defynance and help us s...

28.09.20 09:34 PM - Comment(s)