Restart: Helping your Customers Stay Employed

10.12.20 08:04 PM Comment(s)

If you're a landlord or financer, one of your customers losing their job can be a huge headache. For tenants, evicting someone and trying to find a new renter can be expensive, especially with the costs of keeping a room empty. If you give someone a loan and they can't repay, it's also a large loss for your business. So, how can you prevent these situations from happening in the case that someone does lose their job? ​Restart​ is helping you fix that.

What is Restart?

Restart is a company that helps job seekers find jobs. A business will sign up for the platform and refer customers to Restart and give that customer access to their career platform. On the platform, you can upload your resume and a picture, then you can get help from a certified career advisor to help you find what you're looking for. They've partnered with various companies to help you get your foot in the door and land a job. They also offer help building your resume or ways you can advance your career as part of this platform. 

How can Restart help me?

If you're looking for a job, Restart can be a great resource. Their platform offers resources to help you advance your career. They can help you improve your resume, get you in touch with open jobs that fit your needs, or let you speak to a career advisor at no cost to you. If you're sponsored to join Restart, you'll get access to their platform for free. Using this great resource can help you find a job in your field quickly.


If you have customers that can't pay you because they recently lost their job, you can refer the customer to Restart. Restart will work with them to help them find a job. Once Restart helps them land a new job, they will start earning again and be able to start paying sooner. That sounds like a win-win to me. Restart can be a great benefit to offer customers and make your product even better. 

If you're a business looking to offer this great resource to your customers, you can ​click here​ to learn more. You won't regret it.