student debt crisis

Blog tagged as student debt crisis

What is an Income Share Agreement?
What is an Income Share Agreement?

Income Share Agreements, also known as ISAs, are a financing method that was first proposed by Milton Friedman in the 1950s. Friedman proposed the idea as a way of selling personal stock. In this agreement, a person agrees to pay a fixed share of their future income...

02.09.22 10:27 PM - Comment(s)
Student Debt, an American Crisis

By now more than 44 million Americans collectively hold over $1.7 TRILLION in student debt, and this number keeps growing every month.

Right now, software innovation is making it difficult to earn a decent salary if the student does not have some type of advanced college degree. Although this is ju...

09.08.21 08:53 PM - Comment(s)
Income Share Agreements and Income-Based Repayment Plans: What’s the Difference?

As the realization that student loan debt has become a serious issue in the United States spreads, the number of different solutions proposed to resolve or at least alleviate the burden on the debtholders has increased as well. Two of the newest and probably most misunderstood are the Income Share ...

28.06.21 07:09 PM - Comment(s)