Help Fix The Student Debt Crisis

16.08.21 09:18 PM Comment(s)

One point seven trillion dollars, or one-thousand seven hundred billion dollars. That's what student loan debt in the United States currently sits at. This debt is recognized as a huge burden that has prevented many people from achieving what they want to achieve.  People have had to put off starting families or owning a home because they have too much student loan debt to worry about. Even worse, more people are starting to default on their obligations, hurting their ability to get other forms of credit. No matter what way you look at it, we are facing a student loan debt crisis and it's time we act on it.

How can you fix the student debt crisis?

We can all agree that these student loans are turning into a crisis, so what can we do about it? Well, here at Defynance we're dedicated to solving this problem. Our Smart income share agreement (ISA) student loan refinance can help bring people out of debt and put them in a financing structure that's fair.

With our Smart ISA, refinancers will only pay a small, affordable percent of their income for a set period of time. There's no interest, so the balance never grows and payments scale with income, so they're always affordable. On top of that, if someone ever makes below $25,000 a year for whatever reason, their payments are automatically paused until they get back on their feet. This gives people more freedom to do things like make a career switch or go back to school without worrying about their debt piling up. We're a partner with our refinancers and we want them to succeed, because when they succeed, we succeed.

And what can you do to help with this problem? Invest in us. 

Ok, but why should I invest in you guys?

That's another great question and we like to think there's plenty of reasons to invest in us. The biggest being that you believe in what we're doing and think that, together, we can solve this student debt crisis. And if that's not enough to sell you, then you can look at our team to decide. Our founder and CEO, Farrukh Siddiqui, has over 30 years of experience in financial services and social responsibility. He basically eats, breathes, and sweats this stuff. And the rest of our team is just as great and have been working day in and day out to solve this crisis and bring the best solution possible. 

So if this excites you, we invite you to join our ISA Credit Fund Webinar this Wednesday (Aug 18th) at 1 PM EST; where you'll be able to learn about Income Share Agreements, how to invest in them, and how you can generate returns and help people escape the burden of student debt. If you'd like to attend, click here to register.

Our team is passionate about solving the student debt crisis and if you care as much as we do, your help would mean the world to us. We're all in this together after all.