Defynance News

Blog categorized as Defynance News

Help fix the student loan crisis

One point six trillion dollars, or one-thousand six hundred billion dollars. That's what student loan debt in the United States currently sits at. Many people recognize that this debt is a huge burden and has prevented many people from achieving what they want to achieve. 

 People have had...

10.08.20 06:30 PM - Comment(s)
Plan out your bootstrap - Farrukh Siddiqui on The Inventive Journey Podcast

Farrukh Siddiqui, Founder and CEO of Defynance, was just featured on The Inventive Journey podcast in an episode titled "Planning Out Your Bootstrap." Devin Miller, an established IP attorney, hosted a discussion revolving around Farrukh's entrepreneurial journey including lessons learned ...

05.08.20 07:07 PM - Comment(s)
How Defynance offers interest free student loan refinancing

You heard that right! Defynance currently offers interest free student loan refinancing to anyone who's eligible. We revolutionized the way that people think about student loans. Our program is designed to be fair for everyone and to protect you at your lowest points. We've aligned our goals with ...

23.12.19 09:52 PM - Comment(s)
How Defynance helps you get out of debt and save money
Defynance can help people invest their money and watch it grow.

Right now student loan debt and a lack of savings by student loan borrowers are two of the most pressing financial issues in America. In fact, nearly 70% of Americans have less than $1000 saved. When we set out to create the Defynance Income Share Agreement (ISA) platform, we wanted to tackle both ...

10.06.19 10:11 PM - Comment(s)
How does the Defynance ISA protect you?

Over the last few months, we've been developing a student loan refinancing solution that is balanced for everyone. Our Income Share Agreement (ISA) program is beneficial to those with student loans looking to be interest and debt free. We can refinance many types of loans with the Defynance ISA, an...

19.03.19 12:29 AM - Comment(s)
What to expect from the Defynance private beta launch

As mentioned last week, we are excited to finally be launching our student loan refinancing solution! During the Defynance private beta, you will be able to refinance your student loan with an Income Share Agreement (ISA) that has built-in protections. The Defynance private beta will launch this Fr...

12.03.19 01:24 AM - Comment(s)
Defynance Private Beta Set to Launch

After months of hard work, sweat, and tears (well not really but definitely work and sweat), launch the Defynance private beta launch of its Income Share Agreement (ISA) student loan refinancing product is ready. During the private beta, Defynance will refinance selected candidates who have express...

04.03.19 11:19 PM - Comment(s)
New Year, New Frontiers

2019 has been busy, yet fulfilling for Defynance. The entire team came together to prepare for two large events, Synapse Summit and Tampa Bay Startup Week. Writing this blog is the first time I've had a chance to catch my breath and reflect on the experience. Our team is thankful for all of the peo...

15.02.19 10:36 PM - Comment(s)