We Were Nominated as a Top Fintech (Financial Technology) Company in Florida by Daily Finance

08.02.21 09:58 PM Comment(s)

That's right! Recently Defynance was recognized as one of the top fintech companies in Florida by Daily Finance! We're thankful to have been recognized for our hard work to tackle the student debt crisis through out income share agreement refinancing program. And we don't plan on stopping anytime soon. So what does this accolade mean for us?

What does this mean?

Daily Finance based their selections on performance in four different areas: innovation, growth, management, and societal impact. Based on this criteria, they picked companies of all sizes, from innovative startups (cough cough) to established brands. The list is comprehensive and holds some of the biggest financial companies around. We're excited to be recognized along with some of the best fintech companies in the business. 

How we became one of the top fintech companies in Florida:

We like to think that Defynance fits all that criteria pretty well. We've spent a couple years now developing our student loan refinancing product that uses income share agreements to be the best it can be.


Defynance breathes innovation, it's in our blood. We're constantly innovating, whether that's by using income share agreements to refinance loans or offering resources to customers through our resource marketplace. We love to come up with new and creative ways to help our customers. 

That's why we've even went beyond a traditional ISA to offer new structures. We created a payment cap that scales over time, so if you do well earlier, you can buy out of the agreement quicker. There's no longer a flat payment cap that punishes you for doing well. We also created a way to make extra payments to remove months off your ISA. So even if you don't hit the payment cap, you can remove months and get out of the agreement quicker.


Defynance is constantly growing and expanding it's reach.  We've grown our resource marketplace over the last few months, starting with a handful of resources to the 50 we have today. We also keep adding new features to our online application to make the process easier and smoother for customers. We like to think we're all about growth; both personal and as a fintech company. 


We're not trying to brag, but we like to think that we have a pretty awesome team. Our founder and CEO, Farrukh Siddiqui, has been living socially responsible finance for the last 25 years. His experience has led this team in the right direction and allowed Defynance to experience the innovation and growth that it has. The rest of the team is pretty great too. They've been working hard to help solve the student loan crisis and are passionate about the problem. 

Societal Impact:

We do what we do because we love it and the impact we make. We know that student debt affects millions of people across the US and we want to help. We were founded on the idea that people can finance their loans in a debt-free way. Our ISA product can do that and take people out of debt. 

We have our resource marketplace, which offers career, financial, and mental resources to help people improve their career and their own health. We know how important different factors are for your career and we are here to support you. We want to see you go on and succeed, so we try to help you get there. 

What's next?

We're going to continue to grow, innovate, and make an impact. It's just what we do. We're passionate about solving the student loan crisis and you can't do that by sticking to the status quo. Currently, we're working on upgrading and expanding our online platform to offer you all a world-class experience. We'll keep adding features and innovating, so keep an eye out!

And if you haven't heard yet, we're also a part of the newest TechStars Boulder class. This experience is a huge learning opportunity and we can't wait to bring what we learn back to you all!