How a Defynance self-equity account gives you cash for investing in yourself

14.12.20 08:26 PM Comment(s)

Defynance​ is revolutionizing the way that you think about your student debt. With over ​$1.6 trillion​ spread across 45 million borrowers, student debt is the second largest source of debt in the United States. That's to say, student debt affects a lot of people and leaves many of them behind to figure it out on their own. For some, student debt seems to be impossible to pay off and prevents people from being able to do other things, like save money or ​start a family​. That's why Defynance has created an ISA program to refinance loans that includes a self-equity account which can help you start saving more money. 

What's an ISA

ISA is an acronym for income share agreement, a funding agreement where a person pays a percent of their income for a period of time, instead of debt which has principal and interest to be repaid. The unique thing about an ISA is that the amount paid is tied to your income, so your repayment amount differs based on your changes in income. An ISA is unique because it is based on income and the payments aren't set. This can have it's own benefits because if you lose your job, or are under a certain threshold in income, then your payments are paused. Income share agreement programs also have a payment cap, which prevents you from paying way more than you would with a loan. If your income rises unexpectedly, this can prevent you from paying too much.

Defynance offers an ISA to refinance your student loans. If you have existing student debt, you can refinance them with Defynance to switch to paying a percentage of income. On their platform, you can get a free quote that will tell you the details of the program. You can check it out ​here​.

Ok, that's great, but how do you help me save money with a self-equity account?

While our program may sound promising as it is, we spiced it up just a little bit more to help you save more money in the end. If you refinance with us, you'll be responsible for buying 5% of your ISA, meaning you own 5% of your own ISA. This is beneficial to you because with each payment, we'll take the 5% you own out of it and put it in an account for you. Over time, this account will build up and after you complete your ISA, you'll get all the cash that built up over time.

This self-equity account leaves you with a nice saving account that you can use however you want. You can pay down other forms of debt, keep it as an emergency fund, or even put a down payment on a home. It's a great way to build up savings and set yourself up for future success. 

If this sounds like a great situation for you, ​apply now​!