Are you currently strapped for cash? A lot of people are starting to feel the squeeze on their wallets. Maybe that’s why 34% of Americans have a side hustle. You may not even be that strapped for cash, but still want some extra money to spend. A side hustle can be an easy way to make that extra money, and it’s easier than ever to start working a side job. You can enjoy flexible hours and still make decent enough money on your own time.
Work a part-time job
You could spend your free time working at a local business. These positions are often low skill, but allow you to make extra money. You could work a few hours a week at a retail store or a local restaurant to help bring in some extra dough. It’s pretty easy and straight forward to apply at a lot of small businesses. Of course, you’ll rarely be able to set your own hours and be stuck to their schedule.
Join the gig economy
With the availability of apps now, this is probably the easiest way to start your own side hustle. In most cases, all you need is a car. And in others, you don’t even need that. You can normally get started right away and there’s no interview process.
There’s also jobs for anyone out there. If you love dogs, you can even get paid to watch them. And if that isn’t your cup of tea, there’s other stuff out there too. In fact, there’s jobs for almost anyone that allow you to work on your own schedule.
Start your own side hustle
If you’re feeling ambitious enough, you could even start your own business. Maybe you’re a graphic designer who wants to use and improve their skills. You could start your own company to work on that. You can also start your own business for whatever you want. With the rise of eCommerce, the costs of starting a business are lower than ever. There’s plenty of tools out there that will help you find your niche.
If you are struggling, make sure you look at our other tips to make sure you have a budget that fits your needs. Or, if student loans are causing your stress, you can refinance your student loans with Defynance. Defynance uses income share agreements to refinance your student loans. An income share agreement adjusts with your income, giving you protection in your times of need.