If you have a credit card in your wallet, you have a credit history. If you have a loan or have borrowed money for a large purchase, you have a credit history. When it comes to financial dealings, it’s good to know your history. You don’t need to know every little detail though, and that’s where a c...
Credit is a pretty important factor in a lot of decisions, but does credit really matter? Credit will affect a lot of decisions in your life, including mortgages, car loans, and credit card approval. If it’s important for you to secure any type of funding to purchase something, then credit more than...
Did you know that 8 out of 10 top companies in the world are from the tech sector? And not only that, but almost a quarter of S&P500 is also from tech. That doesn’t tell us why we should learn to code, and it also does not mean that everyone in these companies knows how to code, but what it tell...
You just got your degree, now what? In most cases, you’re either going to begin working or pursuing another degree. If you’re one of the many who are looking to work afterwards, it can be difficult to find the right job after college. 53% of graduates are either unemployed or working in a ...
Now that you have received a call to interview for your dream job, make sure to make the most of this opportunity. A job seeker undergoes multiple phases during the hiring process. The interview is the most crucial phase as you interact with the company speaking to people who are responsi...
You’re certainly not the first adult to ruin your credit. For some of you, this has happened, not once but twice. In fact, 68% of Americans destroy their credit by the age of 30. The good thing is, it can be fixed. The bad thing is, the longer it takes to fix it, the more it will continue ...
As modern-day classifieds, job search websites are a boon for both job seekers and recruiters. These websites compile all the available job postings in the market accompanied by several resources like career coaching, resume building, networking, interview tips, etc. For recruiters, they are a...
As you progress in your career, income is bound to increase with growing expertise and knowledge of the industry. However, this is a gradual process that takes its own sweet time. By putting in some extra effort and optimally utilizing your time, you can maximize your earning potential and buil...
You spent the last few years building up your credit by limiting spending on credit cards and making all your payments on time. Now you finally got the credit score that you were aiming for, but now what? A good credit score can help you get access to more and cheaper lines of credit, but ...
Are you currently strapped for cash? A lot of people are starting to feel the squeeze on their wallets. Maybe that’s why 34% of Americans have a side hustle. You may not even be that strapped for cash, but still want some extra money to spend. A side hustle can be an easy way to make that ...