What to do with all your free time

13.04.20 06:15 PM Comment(s)

With most people locked inside on a stay at home order, many people are finding themselves going crazy with all their free time. We're discovering that cabin fever isn't made up and we're just waiting for this nightmare to end. However, the best (and hardest) thing to do during this time is to stay busy and distracted. With some of the down time you have, it could be the perfect time to focus on yourself. 

Learn New Skills or Develop a Hobby

This crisis is actually a great opportunity to explore your interests and develop new skills. Many websites, such as ​Coursera​, allow you to audit classes and learn new skills for free. You can also look up tutorials and start working with other types of software. If you want to get into photo editing, you can look for some free software like ​GIMP​. There's software out there for any type of hobby you can think of, so now is a great time to start honing in on that hobby. Who knows, it could even turn into a career for you. 


Meditating can be a great way to help with that cabin fever. I know how it sounds, but it can be a ​useful tool​ to help you clear your mind and relax. Taking 10 minutes a day to sit and clear your mind will fill your day and give you more clarity. Sometimes, we can be overloaded with distractions and it's hard to know what to do next. Meditating can bring the clarity you need and help relieve some of the stress of social distancing.

Stay Active in your free time

For a lot of us, quarantine has also affected our ability to workout, since all the gyms are closed. But just because you can't go to the gym, it doesn't mean you can't stay active. Companies have posted their workouts online or on an ​app for free​. They have workouts for everyone that you can explore. 

Sure it may not be the same as the gym, but it keeps you active and can help alleviate some of the stress of being inside. On top of clearing your mind, exercise can also help your ​brain and prevent disease​.

Other ways to stay busy with your free time

If none of the above sound interesting to you, you can also stay entertained in other ways. Celebrities are starting to host ​live concerts​ on apps such as Instagram. Of course, you can also distract yourself by ​playing games or FaceTiming with friends​. With the Internet and other tools available, there's no end to what you're able to do with your time. You can even hop on the trend of baking bread.

A lot of us have a lot of free time on our hands right now, so why not try something new? You never know, you may find something that you like.