How Getting a Master's in Education Can Accelerate Your Teaching Career

22.03.21 06:18 PM Comment(s)

A Master's in Education can help accelerate the career of any teacher. It can often be seen as the gate to getting into administration or other career paths outside of the classroom. Many places will even ​require a master's degree​ for you to become an administrator. With school principal's ​earning more than most teachers​, a Master's in Education can be a great degree to give you specific guidance as an administrator and advance your career. 

Get a Master's in Education if you want to work in administration

This degree can be the perfect segue into a career in educational administration. This can lead to a career as a school principal, where you can overlook an entire school. This would move you out of the classroom and to the administration of the school. As an alternative, you could also look towards a career at the district level, working with multiple schools within a school district. 

What does it take to get a Master's in Education?

Most people complete their Master's in Education within ​two years after completing 36 credits​. In most cases, you will need a Bachelor's Degree and some experience in teaching before you can get your Master's in Education. If you're already teachings, odds are you already hit those marks, so you're ready to go. 

Consider getting your degree online

Worried about taking time off to pursue a degree? Consider completing your ​education online​. An online degree program can offer plenty of flexibility when it comes to scheduling, so you can work it into your life. Many online programs can also allow you to complete your degree faster on an accelerated track. This can be a great choice if you are looking to advance your career with as much flexibility as possible. 

Want a Master's in Education but worried about your current student loans? Check out Defynance. Our student loan refinancing option allows you to refinance your loans with an ​income share agreement​. With an income share agreement, payments are tied to your income, so they’re always affordable. There is also a set end date, so you know that your repayment will end, no matter what happens in your life. Check out the benefits of ​our program​ today.