3 of The Best Medical Specialties for Work-Life Balance

08.03.21 07:50 PM Comment(s)

For med students, choosing the right specialty is one of the biggest decisions they will ever make. It dictates everything, from what they do, to how much they earn, and how many hours they will work. It's important to choose the one that's right for you, based on what you may enjoy, like the type of work or the work-life balance. Some doctors will work more than others and specialties, like pediatrics, can even get calls after hours to do work. However, these other specialties can come with a better work-life balance.

Dermatology has great work-life balance

Dermatology is a pretty competitive specialty, and that's because they have one of the coziest lifestyles of all physicians. Dermatologists specialize in conditions with the skin, hair, and nails, so you may have seen one for your acne when you were a teenager. Or maybe that's just me. Because of what they typically deal with, there's fewer emergencies and most dermatologists work a pretty regular schedule, like 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Monday to Friday. This can give you a schedule on par with most other day-time jobs and free up your nights and weekends. Another perk is that dermatologists make a pretty good living, earning $352,000 per year on average.


Another specialty with an almost regular work schedule is Ophthalmology. Ophthalmologists work an average of 47 hours per week, which is pretty good compared to some other specialties. While they work longer than dermatologists on average, they still have a set schedule and can normally have a nice relaxing weekend. Ophthalmologists specialize in eye and vision care. They shouldn't be confused with optometrists, who focus on basic eye care. Overall, ophthalmology is a great specialty for those seeking a more relaxed lifestyle.


Psychiatrists work an average of 48 hours per week, which is on par with the other two specialties listed here. Psychiatrists address problems relating to mental health, including substance abuse. They also can diagnose the mental and physical aspects of psychiatric problems and they can deal with a range of issues from anxiety to schizophrenia. Unlike therapists, psychiatrists go through training in medical school and are licensed to prescribe medicine. The specialty also pays well, earning an average of $232,000 per year.

Of course, this list doesn't include the full-list of medical specialties with a great work-life balance. We may not have even listed the specialty with the best work-life balance, but we know that these three specialties are great for those who are looking to have a more balanced lifestyle. When choosing a specialty, it's more important to look for something that aligns with your interests and work-life balance isn't the only factor.

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